Monday, September 25, 2006

I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.

Ralph Ellison

This trimester, I have the pleasure of re-reading Ralph Ellison's important novel, Invisible Man, while teaching the novel to Sebastian Slayter '07, in an Honors Study. As I reflect on this week, I have to think of the novel, which never fails to influence and inspire me.

September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. This week, our students held a Hispanic Heritage Day at the school. Not only was a variety of flags on display, we enjoyed many aspects of a diverse culture: the literature, the music, the food, the dance. During the assembly portion of the day, there was music from both our Tenth Grade and Eleventh Grade music classes, poetry from students and faculty, and even a dance lesson for the entire high school.

This day was not only about enjoying what is so beautiful about another's culture, or about learning or even tasting something new. It is about being seen, about visibility. We understand that we only scratched the surface of Hispanic heritage with the day's events. At the same time, we as educators also know how critical it is for adolescents, our students, to be seen for whom they feel they are. In turn, it is our mission to see them as how they see themselves, and educate them in the ways to genuinely see others.

As part of this mission, we take our Ninth and Tenth Graders on an upstate retreat every year. This year, unlike year's past, we took the Ninth Grade for two nights, so that the first day they would have a chance to bond, to take risks together, and to teach them strategies to handle uncomfortable moments. Helping them in this process of challenge and risk-taking are their advisors, class deans and Dean of Student Life, Micah Gottlieb. Also joining the retreat for the first time were our ten Peer Leaders, select and diverse members of the class of 2007. The class of 2007 as a whole is a confident and sure class, filled with very diverse individuals, with different goals and ambitions, many of them shaped right here. Last night at campfire, Peer Leaders led the Ninth Grade through a variety of events like a song game, s'more making, and expressions of gratitude for very special moments, which occurred during the day.

The Ninth Graders pushed themselves yesterday, laughed a lot, cheered each other on and they will return tomorrow a stronger group than before. Our Tenth Graders, leaders in their own right, arrived today, ready to support and push themselves even more in preparation for their own important journey.

Ralph Ellison believed that in America, we are not allowed to know who we are. This is why the protagonist of Invisible Man retreats underground. However, our understanding as readers, to put it very simply, is that he will emerge again when the world changes. We work, in our classes, with small efforts like special assemblies, community service and thoughtful trips, to make sure it does, so the students we see so well, are seen by everyone, and when they are not, they will have the confidence to keep going in their personal missions and not retreat underground.
"I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone...I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me...They see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination--indeed, everything and anything except me."
Ellison may be right. Nevertheless, with this quote fresh in our minds, we continue our work here at the High School.

All the best,

Sept. 29: Lesbian, Gay, Straight Alliance Family Welcome Breakfast, 8:00 AM, 6th Avenue Cafeteria
Oct. 5: Eleventh Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM, Charlton Street Cafeteria
October 17, 2006: High School Parent Rep Meeting with "Freedom Institute," 6:30 PM, Charlton Street
October 18, 2006: PSAT day for Tenth and Eleventh Grades
October 26, 2006: Tenth Grade Potluck Dinner, Charlton Street
October 24-26, 2006: New dates for Minimester

This Week's Attachments and Announcements:

The Multicultural Brunch, scheduled for 9/30, is postponed. Kasey Picayo will notify everyone when it is rescheduled.

From the PA Co-Presidents--Thank you to all who have completed the parent survey for LREI's 10-year reaccreditation process. Your responses are very helpful to us as we prepare the Parent Association's section of the self-study. By popular request, we will continue to accept responses through the end of the month.

For All Families: NYSAIS Parent Survey

The High School Musical Announcement

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Monday, September 18, 2006

"Nothing great could be accomplished without enthusiasm."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This week, LREI proved Emerson's point:

On Tuesday evening, Curriculum Night was greeted with enthusiasm by teachers and families. We always look for ways of presenting the challenging, experiential instruction that takes place in our classrooms. While the evening's presentations were brief, we will continue to find ways to demonstrate the thoughtful work of our students and faculty.

On the night before, LREI won its first home game in the Athletic Center. Our volleyball team, coached by Susan Now, won against Garden in three games. The girls were enthusiastic (and something great was accomplished), but the audience was even more so! The bleachers have not seen so many LREI community members in recent memory, and the enthusiasm and pride in "Big Red" was infectious and continues in our halls. Win or lose, our athletic season promises to be memorable.

Third, after many students attended Sunday's rally in Central Park to "Save Darfur," I have had countless students meet with me determined to create a fundraiser to assist in the cause. Again, our students, who feel empowered, valued and enthusiastic, are ready to create something meaningful, and yes, great, for those who are significantly less fortunate than they are. I will certainly keep you posted as this major fundraiser evolves.

So, we end another week. We are lucky to have such a thoughtful and dynamic community, and what a great year so far.

Important dates to remember:

Sept. 27-29: Annual Ramapo trip for Ninth and Tenth Grades
Sept. 28: Parents of Children who receive Academic Support meeting, 6:30 PM, Charlton Street
Sept. 29: Lesbian, Gay, Straight Alliance Family Welcome Breakfast, 8:00 AM, 6th Avenue Cafeteria
Oct. 5: Eleventh Grade Potluck, 6:30 PM, Charlton Street Cafeteria
October 17, 2006: High School Parent Rep Meeting with "Freedom Institute," 6:30 PM, Charlton Street
October 18, 2006: PSAT day for Tenth and Eleventh Grades
October 26, 2006: Tenth Grade Potluck Dinner, Charlton Street
October 24-26, 2006: New dates for Minimester

This Week's Attachments and Announcements:

Asian-American Families Potluck Breakfast

Set your alarm clocks for our 3rd annual start-of-year breakfast. For parents and students in all divisions. Wednesday, September 27th, 8:00-8:45 a.m. Things to Bring: orange juice, apple juice, bagels, cream cheese, donuts, yogurt, fruit, eggs, breads, cereal, bialys, muffins. BUT, NO NUTS OR SEEDS please! RSVP to Ruth Yang at with food and beverage commitments.
Hope to see you all there,
RUTH YANG, Asian-American Families Chairperson

From the PA Co-Presidents--Thank you to all who have completed the parent survey for LREI's 10-year reaccreditation process. Your responses are very helpful to us as we prepare the Parent Association's section of the self-study. By popular request, we will continue to accept responses through the end of the month.

For All Families: NYSAIS Parent Survey

The High School Musical Announcement

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

This has been an extraordinary week in the life of the high school. Students are back in the full swing of things, the renovations and new desks still impress us, and the great work of our faculty begins to reveal itself once again.

As we enjoyed our renovated building, our new community members, and the hint of fall in the weather, this week we were reminded of the need for humanity, humility, compassion, and awareness. On Monday, September 11, students and faculty attended "The September Concert Series" in Washington Square Park, to remember lives lost on that incredible day. Organized by music teacher and LREI Jazz Band Director, Vin Scialla, the goal of the series is to "fill the skies with music every September 11th to bring communities together, to reaffirm our hope for peace, and to celebrate our universal humanity." It was a wonderful tribute, and thank you to Vin for inviting our participation.

In another reminder of the importance of humanity, Twelfth Grader Adriane Alicea organized a "Save Darfur" assembly to bring awareness and encourage students to participate in the "Save Darfur Now: Voices to Stop Genocide" rally on September 17 in Central Park. Presented today, she and several other students spoke eloquently about the challenges facing the people of Darfur. What can you do? Please take a look at the attachment below for more information.

It is truly a luxury to enjoy such programming, to be able to think about the tragedies of the world together in our safe space and put them in context. We must remember our ability to make a difference. At LREI, progressive education manifests itself in so many ways. Our hope is to continue to provide our students with what they need, not only for college, but for the world we live in.

All the best,


Calendar reminders:

September 15, 2006: Picture Day! Class pictures may be ordered at any time.
September 19, 2006 at 6:00 PM: Parent Association Welcome Fair in the PAC
September 19, 2006 at 6:30 PM: Curriculum Night, right after the Welcome Fair, PAC
September 21, 2006 at 6:30 PM: Ninth Grade Potluck Dinner
September 26, 2006 at 6:30 PM: Twelfth Grade Potluck Dinner
September 27-29, 2006: Ramapo for Ninth and Tenth Grades
October 17, 2006: High School Parent Rep Meeting with "Freedom Institute," 6:30 PM
October 18, 2006: PSAT day for Tenth and Eleventh Grades
October 26, 2006: Tenth Grade Potluck Dinner
October 24-26, 2006: New dates for Minimester

This Week's Attachments:
The High School Musical Announcement
Letter to Parents and Actor's Contract
For all families: NYSAIS Parent Survey
Parent Association Welcome Fair!

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.