Thursday, September 29, 2005

Weekly Email September 29, 2005

Dear all,

I send this email early as I am off to Ramapo with the ninth and tenth grades. Yesterday, the ninth grade spent some time at Pier 40 doing some group exercises that helped to build trust and helped them to get to know more about each other. As I told the grade at the end of the day, these exercises, and trips such as Ramapo that help students learn to take risks and support one another, pay serious dividends all through high school, in and out of the classroom. From doing a group ninth grade mathematics or tenth grade history project to dealing with the stress of waiting for college acceptance letters, having peers you can truly count on makes for a more rewarding and richer education and a more fulfilling high school experience. And as anyone who has been there can tell you, working productively in groups can be a real key to success in college, in graduate or professional school, and in life.

A link to be aware of: Click here to see the current list of outside-of-the-school community service opportunities, compiled by High School Community Service Coordinator Nick Sullivan. For more information, you can call email Nick at

Please take a look at the calendar below, as October is an outrageously full month of events. Some highlights:

* Tuesday, October 4: No School - Rosh Hashanah

* Monday, October 10: No school - Columbus Day

* Tuesday, October 11: * Please see the attached flyer for a talk at 6:30 PM in the Charlton Street PAC, "High School Student Drug Use Across the Nation and in the Independent Schools of New York City," presented by Marjorie Terry of Freedom Institute.

* Thursday, October 13: No school - Yom Kippur

* Monday, October 17: Save the date: Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert! For information about LREI's efforts to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina please go to

* Tuesday, October 18: Next parent reps meeting, 6:30 PM

* Wednesday, October 19: Literary Evening - Stay tuned for more details ...

* Saturday, October 22: Coffeehouse!

* Thursday, October 27 - NEW DATE - The 11th Grade Potluck Dinner has been moved from Thursday, October 20th to Thursday, October 27th. 6:30 PM!

An exciting honor to announce: Librarian Karyn Silverman has been asked to chair the American Library Association (ALA) Best Books for Young Adults (BBYA) Committee for the next calendar year (Feb 06-Jan 07)! This is a huge honor, both for Karyn and for LREI. We will continue to receive a wealth of free books, have additional opportunities for our students to be involved in ALA activities, and bring us to the attention of book people across the country. Click here for more information about the ALA's Best Books for Young Adults program.

More announcements:
* Parents of children who receive academic support: The PA is interested in forming a parent group for parents of children who receive academic support in or out of school.  This can be a place to meet, exchange information and learn more on the subject of learning style differences.  If you are interseted in this group please contact Lisa Auerbach at

* Multicultural Committee Meeting -- Thanks to everyone who came to the potluck lunch last weekend. This parent committee's first official meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 6th, 8:45 a.m., 6th-Avenue Cafeteria. On the agenda: brainstorming for activities and meeting topics for the year and early planning for Karamu!, our annual high-energy performing arts event in January. All parents from all divisions are encouraged to join this very diverse group. Questions? Contact co-chairs Mario Murillo ( or Noreen Stallings-Hall (

* Asian-American Families Breakfast -- Please bring your whole family for this group's first get-together of the year. Friday, Oct. 7th, 7:45 a.m.-9:00 a.m., 6th-Avenue Cafeteria. If you have to come late or leave early, that's fine, it's very informal. It's also potluck, so please let Ruth Yang ( know what food you will bring. And if you forget to sign up or can't bring anything, please still come!

* Last (!) reminder - The Germans are coming, and we're looking for hosts! Our annual exchange group of students will arrive on October 15th and stay for two weeks. Please contact Tom Murphy at if you are interested in hosting a student. Students who host (and who are in good academic standing) have priority when we go to Germany over Spring Break.

All the best,


* Thursday 29-Friday 30 Ramapo Overnight Trip - 9th and 10th Grades

* Tuesday 4 School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
* Thursday 6 8:45 AM Multicultural Committee Meeting, 6th Avenue Cafeteria
* Thursday 6 6:30 PM High School Open House
* Friday 7 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM Asian-American Families Breakfast, 6th Avenue Cafeteria
* Monday 10 School closed - Columbus Day
* Tuesday 11 6:30 PM "High School Student Drug Use Across the Nation and in the Independent Schools of New York City," Charlton Street PAC (see above)
* Thursday 13 School closed - Yom Kippur
* Monday 17 Katrina Benefit Concert
* Tuesday 18 Last day of 9th Grade Arts Rotation #1; High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Wednesday 19-Friday 21 Minimester
* Saturday 22 7:00 PM Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 25 6:30 PM High School Open House
* Thursday 27 6:30 PM Eleventh Grade Potluck NEW DATE
* Sunday 30 Halloween Fair

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Weekly Email September 22, 2005

Dear LREI families,

Only two weeks in, but the school already feels like it is in full swing. I saw many of you at curriculum night and felt much of the same positive energy in the ten-minute sessions that I feel walking around the school every day. It is truly exciting to see some of the courses that we planned last year, such as Latino/Latina literature, Global Literature, "Girls Gone Wild" (Gender and Madness), Astronomy and Mandarin, coming to fruition. Those of us who attended new Math/Science teacher Alissa Wall's tenth grade Physics class learned that an unopened can of Dr. Pepper will sink, while an unopened can of Diet Dr. Pepper will float. Who knew?

We have a number of initiatives under way outside of the curriculum as well. As I mentioned in my letter home over the summer, we have created a weekly period for clubs and activities, and already we are feeling the increased buzz. Many students are considering the creation of new clubs; as of this writing, the club/activity list consists of:
Lesbian-Gay-Straight Alliance
Choreography Workshop
Documentary Film Club
Chinese Club
Video Club
Book Review
Harry Potter Club
Fiber Arts Club
Human Rights/Amnesty International
Jazz Band
Step Team
Cooking Club
Chess Club
Improv Club
ie (The Literary Magazine)
Chocoholics Club
Community Service Roundtable

We are also thrilled to announce the creation of a formal Peer Leadership program. Peer Leadership will be a weekly commitment for interested twelfth graders, who will spend a good deal of time learning about how best to talk with younger High School students about a wide variety of issues, ranging from academic workload to peer pressure and everything in between. Then, starting in late October, those students will spend every other session working individually with small groups of ninth graders, with planning sessions in between. It gives me enormous pleasure to announce that leading this group will be Ruth (Geyer) Jurgensen, returning to us after two years at Miss Porter's School. Ruth received her BA in English Literature from Connecticut College and her MA in English and American Literature from Brown University. Before going to Miss Porter's, Ruth was at LREI from 1996 through 2003, teaching 9th and 12th grade English as well as working as the 9th Grade Dean. Ruth will be teaching English classes in the Winter and the Senior Project seminar in the Spring, as well as working on projects (such as Peer Leadership) which are directly related to school community.

* Please see a message on school safety from Director Phil Kassen.

* Check out the schedule for High School athletics events by clicking on the appropriate link on the right (the link goes to

* We have a student teacher with us from Germany who is in dire need of housing! She is a student at the Munich Academy of Arts, from which she will graduate in one year. She has been with us for about a week, but her housing arrangements have fallen through, so she is looking for a place to stay from now until mid-December. She can pay a modest amount (around $500 a month). If you can possibly help, please contact Tom Murphy at

* Please see the attached flyer for an upcoming talk on Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 PM in the Charlton Street PAC, "High School Student Drug Use Across the Nation and in the Independent Schools of New York City," presented by Marjorie Terry of Freedom Institute.

* Save the date: Hurricane Katrina Benefit Concert - Monday, October 17. For information about LREI's efforts to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina please go to

Other important events coming up:

- The first HALLOWEEN FAIR MEETING will take place at 6th Avenue on Friday, September 23rd at 8:45 AM.

- To the entire LREI Community: Please join us for the annual, school-wide Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, hosted by the Parent Multicultural Committee, noon-3 PM, Saturday, September 24th, at the home of parent Manuel Jaimes, 201 Eastern Parkway, 6A, Brooklyn (across from the Brooklyn Museum & Botanic Garden), tel: 718-398-1192. (2/3 train to Eastern Parkway; 4/5 to Franklin). Sign up in the 6th Ave lobby or the Charlton Street lobby starting Monday; or e-mail MCC co-chairs Mario Murillo and Noreen Stallings-Hall at Come and meet new families and catch up with old friends, even if you can stop by for only a bit!

- Third reminder - The Germans are coming, and we're looking for hosts! Our annual exchange group of students will arrive on October 15th and stay for two weeks. Please contact Tom Murphy at if you are interested in hosting a student. Students who host (and who are in good academic standing) have priority when we go to Germany over Spring Break.

- Second Reminder: The first Parent Reps meeting will now take place at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 27th. Please contact Denise Adler at if you are interested in being a Parent Rep; however, all are welcome to the meeting.

- Second Reminder: All ninth and tenth grade parents: The trip to Ramapo is coming up on Thursday and Friday September 29th and 30th (see the attached letter about the trip). You should already have received, signed and returned the permission slip . Attached please find the packing list as well. Important note: Medications, including Advil, etc. must be brought by individuals - Ramapo will not distribute any meds. Please contact your child's Dean or Advisor if there are special concerns.

Take care,


* Thursday 22 6:30 PM Senior Class Potluck/College Informational Evening
* Friday 23 8:45 AM 1st Halloween Fair meeting (6th Avenue)
* Saturday 24 Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, 12 PM - 3 PM (see above for details)
* Tuesday 27 6:30 PM High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 29-Friday 30 Ramapo Overnight Trip - 9th and 10th Grades

* Tuesday 4 School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
* Thursday 6 6:30 PM High School Open House
* Monday 10 School closed - Columbus Day
* Tuesday 11 6:30 PM "High School Student Drug Use Across the Nation and in the Independent Schools of New York City," Charlton Street PAC (see above)
* Thursday 13 School closed - Yom Kippur
* Monday 17 Katrina Benefit Concert
* Tuesday 18 Last day of 9th Grade Arts Rotation #1; High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Wednesday 19-Friday 21 Minimester
* Thursday 20 6:30 PM Eleventh Grade Potluck
* Saturday 22 7:00 PM Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 25 6:30 PM High School Open House
* Sunday 30 Halloween Fair

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Weekly Email September 15, 2005

Dear LREI families,

Greetings from Charlton Street! First, congratulations to High School Music Teacher Vin Scialla for organizing, for the fourth year in a row, the Washington Square Park venue of The September Concert, "a series of free musical performances held each September 11th in cities around the world" (from the website). The afternoon of music included performances by LREI students and faculty.

This week's announcements/reminders:

- Important: Curriculum Night is this Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM, with the PA Welcome (see attached flyer) starting at 6:00 PM.

- Our High School photographer, Irving Simon, reports that because so few High School students/parents order pictures, it is no longer a profitable enterprise to take every student's picture. For that reason, the company will take class pictures - which anyone can order - but will only take individual pictures of those students who pre-order sets of photographs. The envelopes for ordering will be available at the Charlton Street front desk; please call the desk if you would like an envelope. All students will also be given envelopes. Prices are:
* $31.95 for one 5"x7" group shot, one 8"x10" personal, two 3"x5" personal and four large wallets
* $30.95 for one 5"x7" group shot, three 5"x7" personal, and four large wallets
* $24.95 for one 5"x7" group shot, one 5"x7" personal, two 3"x5" personal and four large wallets
* $9.95 for one 5"x7" group shot
Pictures will be taken on Friday, September 16.

- Please see Director of Education Nick O'Han's message on LREI's response to Hurricane Katrina, in which Nick writes about two in-kind donation drives the school is launching next week.

- The Senior Class Potluck Dinner/College Information Evening is Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30 PM.

- The first HALLOWEEN FAIR MEETING will take place at 6th Avenue on Friday, September 23rd at 8:45 AM.

- To the entire LREI Community: Please join us for the annual, school-wide Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, hosted by the Parent Multicultural Committee, noon-3 PM, Saturday, September 24th, at the home of parent Manuel Jaimes, 201 Eastern Parkway, 6A, Brooklyn (across from the Brooklyn Museum & Botanic Garden), tel: 718-398-1192. (2/3 train to Eastern Parkway; 4/5 to Franklin). Sign up in the 6th Ave lobby starting Monday; or e-mail MCC co-chairs Mario Murillo and Noreen Stallings-Hall at Come and meet new families and catch up with old friends, even if you can stop by for only a bit!

- Second reminder - The Germans are coming, and we're looking for hosts! Our annual exchange group of students will arrive on October 15th and stay for two weeks. Please contact Tom Murphy at if you are interested in hosting a student. Students who host (and who are in good academic standing) have priority when we go to Germany over Spring Break.

- The first Parent Reps meeting will now take place at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 27th. Please contact Denise Adler at if you are interested in being a Parent Rep; however, all are welcome to the meeting.

- All ninth and tenth grade parents: The trip to Ramapo is coming up on Thursday and Friday September 29th and 30th (see the attached letter about the trip). You should already have received, signed and returned the permission slip . Attached please find the packing list as well. Important note: Medications, including Advil, etc. must be brought by individuals - Ramapo will not distribute any meds. Please contact your child's Dean or Advisor if there are special concerns.

Take care,


Thursday 15 Clubs/Activities Fair during Clubs/Activities/Study Period
Tuesday 20 6:00 PM PA Welcome; 6:30 PM High School Curriculum Night
Thursday 22 6:30 PM Senior Class Potluck/College Informational Evening
Friday 23 8:45 AM 1st HHalloween Fair meeting (6th Avenue)
Saturday 24 Welcome (Back) Potluck Lunch, 12 PM - 3 PM (see above for details)Tuesday 27 6:30 PM High School Parent Rep Meeting
Thursday 29-Friday 30 Ramapo Overnight Trip - 9th and 10th Grades

Tuesday 4 School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
Thursday 6 6:30 PM High School Open House
Monday 10 School closed - Columbus Day
Thursday 13 School closed - Yom Kippur
Tuesday 18 Last day of 9th Grade Arts Rotation #1; High School Parent Rep Meeting
Wednesday 19-Friday 21 Minimester
Thursday 20 6:30 PM Eleventh Grade Potluck
Saturday 22 7:00 PM Coffeehouse!
Tuesday 25 6:30 PM High School Open House
Sunday 30 Halloween Fair

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Weekly Email September 8, 2005

Dear LREI families,

Greetings! Welcome to the first weekly blog of the year. The goal of these notes is to keep you informed on a regular basis of the events and goings on around the school. There will often be attachments for you to peruse at your leisure, and there will always be a schedule of upcoming events in the text of the blog. In addition, you can always visit the High School web site for more information. I especially recommend that you check out the examples of High School art by going to the school's art site or take a look at some pictures of last year's High School Commencement (click on the Commencement button on the main page). As always, please let me know at any time if there is any way that these emails can be more useful or clearer; also, don't be shy about letting me know if they are just right!

What an outstanding start for the High School! We opened with 162 students, a brand new Student Center, an additional cart of laptop computers, a newly washed facade, and as always, a freshly painted High School. Just on the first day, the energy in the building has been palpable, and it is wonderful to see new friendships being so quickly formed and old ones renewed. Our new student orientation was a terrific success - new students got a chance to get to know each other, took tours of the building and the neighborhood, and got a warm welcome and some wise words of advice from the incoming Student Government.

I have a great deal more to say about the start of the year, about the already begun efforts to ease the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and about the intellectual, aesthetic and athletic pursuits already underway in all grades, but that can wait for future emails. Some IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS:

- This is an invitation to the entire LREI faculty, administration, & community.
Please join us for the annual September Concert this Sunday, September 11th @ Washington Square Park, South, Noon- 4:30pm outdoors, featuring:

* Micah Dov (singer/songwriter/mathematician)(joined by Charles & Seth)
* Ray Weiss & the Medics (LREI senior & bandleader)
* Penelope (singer/songwriter & cellist)
* LREI HS Jazz Band (standards/jazz/soul)
* mission on mars (Indian/world fusion)
* Robert Ross (blues/guitar maestro)
* superiority complex (rock with a twist)
& drum circle for all

From music teacher Vin Scialla:
The September Concert Foundation was created in April, 2002 for the sole purpose of organizing an annual citywide music festival in New York, in remembrance of September 11th and a celebration of our universal humanity. On September 11th, 2005, we will be bringing free music to New York City parks, churches, restaurants, clubs and other venues.

After the daytime program ends at 6pm, we will be moving the music into the restaurants and clubs. In Greenwich Village, there will be two nighttime events, running at the same time.

It would be great to see you at these and other September Concert events! Please check out the following link, for the complete listing of citywide events:

Lastly, if anyone is interested in volunteering on Sunday, September 11th, please email me at I have been working with September Concert for the past three years and have found the experience to be immensely rewarding and a lot of fun!

- Reminder - the New Parents Reception is Wednesday, September 14th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at the home of Carol Sedwick and Michael Patrick '71, Chair, LREI Board of Trustees, 250 West 94th Street, Apt. 15F (between Broadway and West End Avenue)

- Tour of Summer '05 Renovations
We've been busy! Come see the new Sixth Avenue Auditorium and Charlton Street Cafeteria and Student Center for yourself. Coffee and tea will be served.
Wednesday, September 14 from 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Phil will be in the Sixth Avenue Auditorium at 8:45 to answer questions and then at Charlton Street at 9:15.

- Important: Curriculum Night has moved to Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM, with the PA Welcome starting at 6:00 PM.

- Our High School photographer, Irving Simon, reports that because so few High School students/parents order pictures, it is no longer a profitable enterprise to take every student's picture. For that reason, the company will take class pictures - which anyone can order - but will only take individual pictures of those students who pre-order sets of photographs. The envelopes for ordering will be available at the Charlton Street front desk; please call the desk if you would like an envelope. All students will also be given envelopes. Prices are:
* $31.95 for one 5"x7" group shot, one 8"x10" personal, two 3"x5" personal and four large wallets
* $30.95 for one 5"x7" group shot, three 5"x7" personal, and four large wallets
* $24.95 for one 5"x7" group shot, one 5"x7" personal, two 3"x5" personal and four large wallets
* $9.95 for one 5"x7" group shot
Pictures will be taken on Friday, September 16.

- The Senior Class Potluck Dinner/College Information Evening is Thursday, September 22 at 6:30 PM.

- The Germans are coming, and we're looking for hosts! Our annual exchange group of students will arrive on October 15th and stay for two weeks. Please contact Tom Murphy at if you are interested in hosting a student. Students who host (and who are in good academic standing) have priority when we go to Germany over Spring Break.

- The first Parent Reps meeting will now take place at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 27. Please contact Denise Adler at if you are interested in being a Parent Rep; however, all are welcome to the meeting.

- All ninth and tenth grade parents: The trip to Ramapo is right around the corner, on Thursday and Friday September 29th and 30th (see the attached letter about the trip). The permission slip is attached, and will also be sent home with the students; you will receive the packing list shortly.

- We have students on both campuses who have very serious nut/seed allergies. For that reason, the Sixth Avenue and Charlton Street buildings are to be kept completely nut and seed free. Please help us to keep all of our students safe.

That's all for now - I hope that you are looking forward to this new year with the same enthusiasm and sense of hope and possibility that I am feeling and that I am confident is shared by the students and faculty as well.

All the best,


Thursday 8 First day of school - Trimester I begins
Sunday 11 The September Concert in Washington Square Park
Tuesday 13 High School Book Circles in Assembly
Wednesday 14 Tour of Summer '05 Renovations; New Families Reception
Thursday 15 Clubs/Activities Fair during Clubs/Activities/Study Period
Tuesday 20 PA Welcome; High School Curriculum Night
Thursday 22 Senior Class Potluck/College Informational Evening; Placement Directors' Breakfast
Tuesday 27 High School Parent Rep Meeting
Thursday 29-Friday 30 Ramapo Overnight Trip - 9th and 10th Grades

Tuesday 4 School Closed - Rosh Hashanah
Thursday 6 High School Open House
Monday 10 School closed - Columbus Day
Thursday 13 School closed - Yom Kippur
Tuesday 18 Last day of 9th Grade Arts Rotation #1; High School Parent Rep Meeting
Wednesday 19-Friday 21 Minimester
Thursday 20 Eleventh Grade Potluck
Saturday 22 Coffeehouse!
Tuesday 25 High School Open House
Sunday 30 Halloween Fair

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.