Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Weekly Email May 25, 2006

Dear parents,

A quick word about some artistic and athletic goings on:

What a terrific night on Tuesday! The High School Sports Awards Evening was a fun, touching and inspiring affair. The number of students who participate in sports continues to escalate - especially current ninth and tenth graders, promising even greater future success - as does the intensity that LREI students are bringing to athletics with each passing year. This year as last year, teams are practicing more and more often and with more and more sophistication, and we continue to compete with - and beat - teams from schools with far larger student populations. The Spring sports are going especially strong this year. First, Boys Softball has the ISAL (Independent School Athletic League) championship game today in Central Park. And, once again, the track team has had an exceptional Spring. In the GISAL Championship, the team finished third, highlighted by the 4x100 meter team's league record-breaking performance. Then, in the New York State Association of Independent Schools meet yesterday, Junior Kristin Crichlow finished 2nd in the girls 100 meters, 8th Grader Emma Vasta-Kuby finished 5th in the 200m and the 4 x100m team finished 3rd. Go Knights!

In addition, I am pleased to announce that the following LREI student films have screened at recent prestigious youth film festivals:

The following films by LREI students have been shown in recent Film Festivals:
The 2006 Interschool High School Student Film and Video Festival, hosted by the Dalton School
* Ava Hamilton - "Ipod" - Honorable Mention for Editing
* Adriane Alicea - Untitled
* Amara Perez - The Heights
* Danielle Miller - My Dog
* The Bollywood Minimester Group - "Bollywood" - Winner for Art Direction, Honorable Mention for Cinematography

The 2006 Westport Youth Film Festival
* Jerelyn Rodriguez - "Made in NY"
* The Bollywood Minimester Group - "Bollywood"

One other item: Attached is a list of the colleges that our seniors have enrolled in for the past three years. This year's class, like their predecessors, had a successful college search process. We are proud of each of them. A list of this year's acceptances can be found at Congratulations LREI Class of 2006!!

Important events coming up:

* See the attached letter from Phil about tomorrow's Field Day activities (mandatory for all students in grades 9 - 11, with Seniors greatly encouraged to attend!). Regular start time; students will be released by 1:00 PM at the latest.

* On Wednesday, May 31 we will have our annual Senior Project Presentation Evening, 6:30 PM, Charlton Street. This event is one of the highlights of the year and is open to all members of the community - parents, siblings, friends - no RSVP required!

All the best,



* Thursday 25 Book Fair; Summer 2006 Fun-Raiser; Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support
* Friday 26 Field Day - No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed - Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Weekly Email May 18, 2006

Dear parents,

A note on a simply fantastic assembly: On Tuesday, we had a three-person panel speaking from very different vantage points on the pros and cons of various positions on immigration. They were: Michael D. Patrick, LREI '71 (and current Chair of the Board of Trustees), Partner at Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, a top immigration law firm; Raquel E. Batista, Executive Director of the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights, the only legal service organization in the Dominican community; and Michael Cutler, retired from the INS in February 2002 after a career that spanned some 30 years and currently a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank, a Contributing Expert on the nexus between immigration and terrorism for the Counterterrorism Blog, and an advisor to the 911 Families for a Secure America (see the attached bio sheet for more information on these three experts). President Bush's recent proposals were dissected from all sides, and the three took challenging questions from the audience. A follow-up student debate is scheduled for the May 30 assembly.

A packed last few weeks! Coming up:

* Tonight - Come to the Spring Concert! 6:30 PM at Charlton Street.

* See the attached letter from Phil about next Friday's Field Day activities (mandatory for all students in grades 9 - 11, with Seniors greatly encouraged to attend!).

* NYU Courses: Check out the descriptions of the NYU courses for which our students (current tenth and eleventh graders) can sign up, along with a proposal form. The applications will be due to College Guidance Counselor Amy Shapiro on Tuesday, May 23rd.

* High School Sports Awards Night - Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30 PM, Charlton Street PAC.

* May Book Fair: The Literary Committee will have a Spring into Summer Book Fair in the Auditorium on May 25th (see the attached flyer). A selection of the optional reading titles will be sold from 8:00AM-6:00PM.

* Summer 2006 Fun-Raiser: Coming May 25, from 5 PM - 7 PM at
143 Thompson Street: A chance to have a great time, dunk yours truly and help support vital summer work! See the attached flyer for more details.

* The next meeting of Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support: Thursday, May 25, 6:30 PM, Charlton Street.

All the best,



* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Thursday 25 Book Fair; Summer 2006 Fun-Raiser; Parents of Children who Receive Academic Support
* Friday 26 Field Day - No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed - Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weekly Email May 11, 2006

Dear parents,

Two signature LREI High School events:

1) On Monday, May 8th at 5 PM in the cafeteria at Charlton Street, we held a reading and celebration of IE: LREI's Literary Magazine. The magazine has poetry, prose, and visual art from students from grades 7 through 12. Five High School students and five middle school students read their works aloud. The event was beautiful and inspiring and showed Middle School and High School students, together, doing what LREI students often do best - writing and presenting. Huge kudos to faculty advisors Jane Belton (HS) and Sarah Barlow (MS), and congratulations to all writers and artists who contributed. Your copy will be mailed home shortly - keep an eye out for it!

2) This Saturday, May 13, 7:00 PM at Charlton Street, we will host the annual Human Rights Coffeehouse. Co-organized by mathematics/music teacher Micah Dov Gottlieb and the High School Human Rights Club, this will be a terrific evening of music, poetry, film and more, all with a human rights theme. Like the IE reading, a uniquely LREI event - students and faculty, from all three divisions, joined together to entertain us while inspiring us to help to make the world a better place. Please join us!

Other announcements:

* Trimester III Interim Reports will go out in the next couple of days. Because so many of our courses are project based, at least 50% of the "assessment" often happens over the last few weeks of the trimester. We always do our best to balance sending the reports in a timely fashion with waiting long enough for students to have completed a sufficient quantity of fully assessed work.

* Summer 2006 Fun-Raiser: Coming May 25, from 5 PM - 7 PM at
143 Thompson Street: A chance to have a great time, dunk yours truly and help support vital summer work! See the attached flyer for more details.

* NYU Courses: Check out the descriptions of the NYU courses for which our students (current tenth and eleventh graders) can sign up, along with a proposal form. The applications will be due to College Guidance Counselor Amy Shapiro on Tuesday, May 23rd.

* May Book Fair: The Literary Committee will have a Spring into Summer Book Fair in the Auditorium on May 25th. A selection of the optional and all of the required reading titles will be sold from 8:00AM-6:00PM. I will speak more about the required reading titles in next week's Blog.

All the best,



* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day - No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed - Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Weekly Email May 4, 2006

Dear parents,

What an amazing day! Arts Festival 2006 displayed so many facets of the LREI education: the incredible collection of artists of every ilk who are part, one way or another, of the LREI community (parents, alumni, and friends); the rigor with which artistic endeavors are approached at LREI; and, most of all, the aesthetic talents and practiced willingness to take risks of our student body. Students in mixed-grade groups ranging from eighth to twelfth spent the morning in three-hour workshops, followed by an afternoon assembly consisting of slide shows and performances of various kinds. I will let the attached list of workshops speak for itself. Congratulations to the High School Arts Department for putting together a fantastic program!

Important announcements:
* Please join us for a reception to meet incoming High School Principal Ruth Geyer Jurgensen on Monday, May 8th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at Charlton Street (see the attached invitation).

* Coming May 13, 7:00 PM at Charlton Street - the annual Human Rights Coffeehouse! There are still some slots available for members of the community to participate with music, poetry, or any other material with a human rights theme. This Coffeehouse is co-organized by mathematics/music teacher Micah Dov Gottlieb and the High School Human Rights Club. If you are interested, please contact Micah at

All the best,



* Monday 8 Reception for incoming High School Principal Ruth Geyer Jurgensen
* Saturday 13 Coffeehouse!
* Tuesday 16 High School Parent Rep Meeting
* Thursday 18 Spring Concert; Day 40 of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 23 High School Sports Award Evening
* Friday 26 Field Day - No Classes
* Monday 29 School closed - Memorial Day
* Wednesday 31 Senior Project Presentation Evening

* Monday 5 Last day of Trimester III classes
* Tuesday 6-Thursday 8 Trimester III Exams/Presentations; End of Trimester II
* Thursday 8 Senior Banquet
* Friday 9 Graduation
* Monday 12-Tuesday 13 Closing days
* Tuesday 13 School closes at noon for Summer Vacation

As always, please browse the web site at Also, note the links to the Middle and Lower School weekly emails on the right. Please take a look at what the students in the other two divisions are up to!

All attachments are in .pdf format. To view these files, please download Adobe Reader, if you do not already have it. Click on this link or paste it into your browser:
If you are having trouble opening the attachments, go to to access the files.